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Getting the installation kit

Get the installation kit from Accelario representative.




  • Windows or Linux server - any release/version. This server will act as the application server. It can be any host - a dedicated one or the same as the database server.

  • Recommended server requirements: 4 CPU cores, 8GB RAM, 100 GB disk spaceJava 8according to server sizing guide

  • Java 8, minimum 241 build , e.g.: 1.8.0_241

  • Network accessibility to required databases

  • OS user:
    Linux - a user with sudo privilegea privilege to run java and has full permissions (read/write/execute) in the “app_home” directory
    Windows - a user with a privilege to run java and to read/write in the “app_home” directory

  • Database user - a user with DBA privileges in every database that the app should work with. Each database may have different user and password.


Unzip the installation kit into empty directory on app server - this directory will be further called “app_home”.


If needed, the parameters can be changed by updating this file and restarting the application.

The admin password may be changed by altering property: authConfiguration: password

The port may be changed by altering property: applicationConnectors: port

Pay attention that there are separate ports for http and https protocols.

HTTPS configuration

The application is packaged with self-signed certificate.


After the application’s start, the self-signed certificate is located at conf/keystore/a_masking_cert.

For example, you change port and admin login password as shown in the picture below:



It allows to access the masking application via HTTPS, but browser will warn about unknown certificate.

To avoid the warning, the customer should provide trusted, signed certificate in p12 format. If the format is different, then it needs to be converted into p12 format and copied it to this folder: conf/keystore/

Тhe command to convert is:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in fullchain.pem -inkey privkey.pem -out fullchain_and_key.p12 -name dw -caname root
… where:
fullchain.pem  - is customer's certificate
privkey.pem  - private key
fullchain_and_key.p12 - is the name of result certificate
During the conversion a password is requested. The same password should be specified in /conf/application.yml , in the property: authConfiguration: https: keyStorePassword


Start on Linux

Make sure that java 1.8 is installed.

Run these commands:

Code Block
cd {app_home}


screen -dmSL masking java -Duser.timezone=GMT -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dconsole.encoding=UTF-8 -jar data-masking-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

If screen utility is not installed, it is also possible to use nohup:sudo nohup java

Code Block
cd {app_home}
nohup java -Duser.timezone=GMT


In case of special locale of the shell, add these parameters:


 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dconsole.encoding=UTF-8 -jar data-masking-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar &

Start on Windows

Make sure that java 1.8 64bit is installed.

Run these commands:

Code Block
cd {app_home}


java -Duser.timezone=GMT -jar data-masking-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

In case of special locale of the shell, add these parameters:


It creates a Windows service named Accelario Masking acc_masking

Once created, start the service.

The parameters for JVM are located in file {app_home}\service_parameters.list


In some cases, the application process may be started in an interactive mode - usually it is done as part of debugging session.

In that case, run these commands:

Code Block
cd {app_home}
java -Duser.timezone=GMT -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dconsole.encoding=UTF-8 -jar data-masking-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Accessing the application

Open a browser and goto: http://myserver:8084


Reminder: the default port (8084) can be changed as described in Deployment section


  1. Stop the application

  2. Replace the file data-masking-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar with new version

  3. Compare original and new application.yml files - copy new properties only

  4. Start the application