Versions Compared


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  1. Enter the test data environment details.


2. Click Next. 3. Enter the Source DB Parameters.The application runs an automatic discovery of all running Oracle databases and presents them in a list. More details on how discovery works


3. You may choose from the list or enter the details manually:



It is recommended to select the Refresh Immediately checkbox to make a full copy of the Golden Image after the test data environment is automatically created.



After the test data environment is created, the following message appears: Test Data Environment as been created.

Ignore some errors when building GI

When GI is built, Accelario Virtualization checks automatically all the logs and searches for errors. The errors have a known template: ORA-99999, RMAN-99999, etc... If any error is found the GI process is accounted to be failed. However, it is possible to configure some errors to be ignored. In order to do it:

  1. Goto GI agent directory on the source server

  2. Edit file

  3. Add error code - one per line.

  4. Restart the GI agent

To create a test data environment from a RMAN STANDBY GI:


To create a test data environment from a AWS RDS Oracle GI:

  1. Enter the test data environment details.


  1. Click Next.

  2. Enter the Source DB Parameters.

  3. Enter AWS parameters


  1. Click Next.

  2. Provide AWS RDS Oracle connectivity parameters, on that step, you can perform a test connection to the AWS.


  1. Click Next

  2. Enter the Source DB Parameters.


Follow the explanations here

To add a target host:

  1. On the navigation bar, click Target.
    The Target Management window appears.


  1. Click Add DB Home.


2. Select a DB type.



    1. The application runs an automatic discovery of all installed Oracle database software and presents them in a list. More details on how discovery works . Pay attention: the discovery is based on running Oracle databases.


    4. You may choose from the list or enter the details manually:


    4. Click Add.


    After the DB Home is added, the following message appears: DB Home has been added.
