Download release installer:

It only supports upgrading to versions starting from 27+.

Upgrade to the new Release

  1. Before install new release stop all running instances manually using command  
    sudo kill -9 $(pgrep -f java)

or if you work under Windows

go to "Services", find already ran agent related service (for example: acc-agent) and kill/stop it.

  1. Determine the location of the acc-agent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar directory:
    Locate the directory where the acc-agent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file is stored and is being executed - this directory will be called APP directory.
    A parent directory of the APP directory will be called ROOT directory

  2. Rename the APP directory to current

  3. Copy the release-installer.jar and the new release ZIP file into the ROOT directory

  4. Ensure your ROOT directory tree looks like this:

    ├─ release-installer.jar
    ├─ current/
    └─ archive/ (optional)
  5. Run the upgrade process