Anonymization server setup
Setup an Ubuntu 22.04 server on EC2 instance and establish proper VPC networking.
The server should have internet access and connectivity with database.
According to our sizing document, the Ubuntu server should have appropriate EC2 instance type.
After the server is set and running:
1. Login to the server and switch to root user:
sudo su -
2. Install the following packages on the machine:
apt update
apt install net-tools
apt install wget
apt install zip
apt install unzip
apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless
3. Set default JDK 8
update-alternatives --set java $(update-alternatives --list java | grep java-8)
4. Create directory for masking application:
mkdir -p /accelario/masking
5. Go the directory and download masking application zip file:
cd /accelario/masking
wget <Link for download provided by Accelario>
6. Unzip the file:
unzip masking-Release_<version>
7. Give execute permission to file
chmod u+x
8. Start the service:
9. Check and confirm the process is running the service started:
ps -ef |grep masking
10. Open internet browser and login to UI:
Use default credentials: admin/password
11. Download the license: License download link provided by Accelario
12. Register the license:
In the right upper corner find "i" sign - click it
Click the "Update License" button and navigate to the previously downloaded license.