Virtualization Service API methods
The provided below table is a holistic documentation of the Virtualization Service API.
It encapsulates a wide array of functionalities and commands within the service, methodically categorized for easy reference.
This documentation is designed to offer users a clear and concise overview of the API's capabilities, ranging from managing various agents and databases to handling file operations and events.
Each entry in the table combines a specific API method, including its HTTP request type and endpoint, with a succinct description, making it a valuable resource for users and developers to understand and leverage the full potential of the Virtualization Service in their applications.
The table, thus, stands as a comprehensive guide, aiding in the effective utilization and integration of the Virtualization Service.
Component | Method |
| |
1 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | POST /v1/agents/gi_agent | Create GI Agent record and store it to DB |
2 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | PUT /v1/agents/gi_agent | Update existing GI Agent |
3 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | GET /v1/agents/gi_agents | Get all GI Agents list |
4 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | GET /v1/agents/gi_agent/info/{giAgentId} | Returns the agent info for the provided identifier. |
5 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | DELETE /v1/agents/gi_agent/{giAgentId} | Delete GI Agent |
6 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | POST /v1/agents/dst_agent | Create DST Agent record and store it to DB |
7 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | PUT /v1/agents/dst_agent | Update DST Agent record and store it to DB |
8 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | GET /v1/agents/dst_agents | Get all DST Agents list |
9 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | DELETE /v1/agents/dst_agent/{dstAgentId} | Delete DST Agent |
10 | Operations about GI Agents and DST Agents | GET /v1/agents/dst_agent/info/{dstAgentId} | Returns the dstAgent info for the provided identifier. |
11 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | POST /v1/databases/src_db | Create the Source Database. |
12 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | PUT /v1/databases/src_db | Update existing Source Database |
13 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | DELETE /v1/databases/force_stop/{srcDBid} | Force to stop RMAN Database |
14 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | DELETE /v1/databases/src_db/{srcDBid} | Removes the record SourceDatabase by Id |
15 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | POST /v1/databases/src_dbs/volume | Creates the GI-volume for live-database or rman-database (usual or standby mode). |
16 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | DELETE /v1/databases/src_db/gi/{srcDBid} | Removes the GI volumes by Source Database Id |
17 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | POST /v1/databases/src_db/activate/{liveVolumeId} | Connect to the SourceDatabase and check if the data-files all in corresponded shared GI-folder |
18 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | GET /v1/databases/src_dbs | Returns the list of SourceDatabases according the user's permissions. |
19 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | GET /v1/databases/src_dbs/{agentId} | Returns the list of SourceDatabases for specified agent. |
20 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | GET /v1/databases/mssql/instances/{agentId} | Returns the list of MSSQL Database Instances for specified agent. |
21 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | GET /v1/databases/src_db/{dbID} | Returns the SourceDatabase by ID. |
22 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | GET /v1/databases/src_db/info/{srcDatabaseId} | Returns the Info about the Source Database |
23 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | POST /v1/databases/src_db/refresh/{srcDBid} | Refresh the selected Source Database using rman. |
24 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | GET /v1/databases/dst_db_homes | Returns the list of all Dst DB Homes according the user's permissions. |
25 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | GET /v1/databases/dst_db_homes/{dstAgentId} | Returns the list of Dst DB Homes for the specified destination agent. |
26 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | GET /v1/databases/dst_db_home/info/{dstDbHomeId} | Returns the Info about the Destination Db Home |
27 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | POST /v1/databases/dst_db_home | Creates the new records with connection details in table DstDatabase |
28 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | PUT /v1/databases/dst_db_home | Update DB Home |
29 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | DELETE /v1/databases/dst_db_home/{dstDbId} | Removes the record SourceDatabase by Id |
30 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | POST /v1/databases/testDbOracle | Check the connectivity with specific database. |
31 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | POST /v1/databases/testDbPostgres | Check the connectivity with specific database. |
32 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | POST /v1/databases/testDbMsSql | Check the connectivity with specific database. |
33 | Operations about Source and Destination Databases | POST /v1/databases/mssql/version | Check the connectivity with specific database. |
34 | Operations with application events | POST /v1/events/test_generate/{from_date}/{to_date} | Generates 1000 random events between defined dates |
35 | Operations with application events | GET /v1/events/download/file | Exporting the events to the given file type |
36 | Operations with application events | GET /v1/events/{from_date}/{to_date} | Returns all events between defined dates |
37 | Operations with application events | GET /v1/events/{period} | Returns all events for defined period |
38 | File download operations | GET /v1/download/{filename} |
39 | Operations with application logs | GET /v1/log/listFiles | Get log files list. |
40 | Operations with application logs | GET /v1/log/history/{object_id}/list | Returns Object logs |
41 | Operations with application logs | GET /v1/log/download/{filename} | Get archive with Log. |
42 | Operations with application logs | GET /v1/log/{log_history_id}/history | Returns Object logs by log history id |
43 | Operations with application logs | GET /v1/log/last | Show last log records |
44 | Login operations | POST /v1/logout | Logout from the system. |
45 | Login operations | POST /v1/login | Login into system with passed credentials. |
46 | Login operations | GET /v1/permissions | Get permissions info for user. |
47 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | POST /v1/lvm/snapshot | Create Snapshot and store its record to DB |
48 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | GET /v1/lvm/logs/{object_id} | Returns Object logs |
49 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | POST /v1/lvm/volume | Create the new Volume |
50 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | PUT /v1/lvm/volume | Update existing Volume |
51 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | DELETE /v1/lvm/volume/deep_copy_force_stop/{volumeId} | Force stop of deep copy creation |
52 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | GET /v1/lvm/volume/{volumeId}/status | Returns volume status |
53 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | DELETE /v1/lvm/volume/{volumeId} | Deletes the volume by ID |
54 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | POST /v1/lvm/volume/deep_copy | Create the new Deep Copy |
55 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | PUT /v1/lvm/volume/rollback/{volumeId} | Rollback the volume to the earliest snapshot |
56 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | PUT /v1/lvm/volume/rollback/{volumeId}/{snapshotId} | Rollback the volume to specific snapshot |
57 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | GET /v1/lvm/volume/adv_params/{volumeId} | Returns the list of advanced parameters by VolumeId |
58 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | GET /v1/lvm/snapshots/{parentId} | Returns all snapshots for given Parent ID from DB |
59 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | GET /v1/lvm/snapshots/{snapshotId}/info | Returns snapshot info for given Snapshot ID from DB |
60 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | DELETE /v1/lvm/snapshot/{snapshotId} | Deletes snapshot for given ID |
61 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | PUT /v1/lvm/snapshot/share | Sharing existing Snapshot |
62 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | DELETE /v1/lvm/snapshot/share/{snapshotId} | Un-share the snapshot by ID |
63 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | GET /v1/lvm/volumes_tree/{sourceDatabase_ID} | Builds Volumes tree started with given SourceDatabaseID |
64 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | POST /v1/lvm/volumes_trees | Returns volumes trees for selected source databases |
65 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | GET /v1/lvm/info/{object_id} | Returns Object information |
66 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | DELETE /v1/lvm/notification/{volumeId} | Remove Volume notification by volume ID |
67 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | POST /v1/lvm/test_generate/{from_date}/{to_date}/{parent_volume_id}/{count} | Generates 1000 random events between defined dates |
68 | Operations about Logic Volume Manager (LVM) | GET /v1/lvm/snapshot/share/roles/{snapshot_id} | Get Roles for shared snapshot |
69 | Pool operations | GET /v1/pool/info/{poolName} | Returns pool's info |
70 | Pool operations | GET /v1/pool/register_host | Returns the registered IP address |
71 | Pool operations | POST /v1/pool/register_host | This method allows to set the system's IP |
72 | Pool operations | GET /v1/pool | Returns all pools |
73 | Pool operations | POST /v1/pool | Creates a new storage pool containing the virtual devices specified on the request |
74 | Pool operations | POST /v1/pool/compress/{compressionMethod} | Compress active pool |
75 | Pool operations | DELETE /v1/pool/{poolName} | Destroy a pool and the pool devices are no longer available or accessible to the system. |
76 | Pool operations | GET /v1/pool/limitPercent | Get the current limitPercent value |
77 | Pool operations | PUT /v1/pool/limitPercent | Set limitPercent value for main and for secondary pools |
78 | Pool operations | GET /v1/pool/availableDisks | Get list of disks available for pooling |
79 | Pool operations | PUT /v1/pool/reduce | Deletes disks from the pool |
80 | Pool operations | PUT /v1/pool/expand | Expands given pool with a new disks |
81 | Operations about user roles | GET /v1/roles | Get all Roles list |
82 | Operations about user roles | POST /v1/roles | Create Role record and store it to DB |
83 | Operations about user roles | PUT /v1/roles | Update Role's information and permissions |
84 | Operations about user roles | GET /v1/roles/{role_id} | Get Role's details with specified id |
85 | Operations about user roles | DELETE /v1/roles/{role_id} | Delete Role |
86 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | GET /v1/self_service/steps | Return all saved steps |
87 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/storage_pool | Configure primary storage pool |
88 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/dst_agent/validate | Validate target host |
89 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/mssql/backup_folder/validate | Validate backup folder |
90 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/mssql/backup_folder | Configure backup folder |
91 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | GET /v1/self_service/mssql/{source_or_target}/instances | Execute request to appropriate agent to fetch current instances. |
92 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | GET /v1/self_service/default_names | Each name is iteratively generated and checked for uniqueness. |
93 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/mssql/source_database/validate | Validate MSSQL source database connection |
94 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/mssql/source_database | Configure MSSQL source database |
95 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/mssql/storage_protocol | Configure storage protocol |
96 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/oracle/source_database | Configure Oracle source database |
97 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/dst_agent | Configure target host |
98 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/gi_agent | Configure source host |
99 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/gi_agent/validate | Validate source host |
100 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/database_type | Set database type |
101 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/show_password_change | Determines whether to show the password change window |
102 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/oracle/source_database/validate | Validate Oracle source database connection |
103 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/mssql/target_database/validate | Validate MSSQL target database connection |
104 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/mssql/target_database | Configure MSSQL target database |
105 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/oracle/target_database | Configure Oracle target database |
106 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/oracle/target_database/validate | Validate Oracle target database connection |
107 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/mssql/provision_vdb | Provision first MSSQL VDB |
108 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/oracle/provision_vdb | Provision first Oracle VDB |
109 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/finish_creation_automatically | Create automatically TDE, GI, VDB and start VDB |
110 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/create_tde | Create TDE |
111 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/initial_load | Execute Initial Load |
112 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/create_vdb | Create a VDB |
113 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/start_vdb | Start the VDB |
114 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/reset_steps | Reset all SelfDeploymentSteps |
115 | Self-Service Deployment of virtualization module | POST /v1/self_service/override_steps | Replace all SelfDeploymentSteps |
116 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | GET /v1/settings/properties/{property_name} | Returns value of saved parameter. |
117 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | POST /v1/settings/properties/{property_name} | Saves the requested parameter. |
118 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | PUT /v1/settings/advParamTemplate | Update the advanced parameter template. |
119 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | GET /v1/settings/listAdvParamTemplates | Get advanced parameter templates list. |
120 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | POST /v1/settings/advParamTemplate/{template_name} | Create the advanced parameter template. |
121 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | DELETE /v1/settings/advParamTemplate/{template_name} | Removes the template's record by name |
122 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | GET /v1/settings/smtp | Returns values of saved smtp parameters. |
123 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | POST /v1/settings/smtp | Saves the requested smtp parameters. |
124 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | POST /v1/settings/testSMTP | Check the connectivity with SMTP server. |
125 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | GET /v1/settings/active_directory | Returns values of saved active directory parameters. |
126 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | POST /v1/settings/active_directory | Saves the requested parameters. |
127 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | POST /v1/settings/testAD | Check the connectivity with Active Directory server. |
128 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | GET /v1/settings/masking | Returns value of saved parameter. |
129 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | POST /v1/settings/masking | Create or update masking params. |
130 | Operations with default values, parameter's templates, etc | POST /v1/settings/masking/policy | Get masking policies. |
131 | Operations about virtual, physical disk space usage and save | GET /v1/storage_capacity/datasets | Returns the list of Golden Images, space saving and disk usage statistics. |
132 | Operations about virtual, physical disk space usage and save | GET /v1/storage_capacity/databases/{volumeId} | Returns the list of Snapshots with specified volume id as parent and space saving statistics. |
133 | Operations about virtual, physical disk space usage and save | GET /v1/storage_capacity/environments/{srcDatabaseId} | Returns the list of Golden Images with specified source database id as parent and space saving statistics. |
134 | Test Data Environment operations | GET /v1/tde/{giAgentId} | Returns TDE for GI Agent |
135 | Operations about users | GET /v1/users | Get all Users list |
136 | Operations about users | POST /v1/users | Create User record and store it to DB |
137 | Operations about users | PUT /v1/users | Update User's information and roles |
138 | Operations about users | GET /v1/users/{user_id} | Get User's details by specified id |
139 | Operations about users | DELETE /v1/users/{user_id} | Delete User |
140 | Operations about users | POST /v1/users/change_password | Change password |
141 | Operations about VDBs | POST /v1/vdb/start | Starts a VDB from specific volume on defined dstAgent. |
142 | Operations about VDBs | DELETE /v1/vdb/{vdbId} | Initiate stopping VDB on remote DST-Agent |
143 | Operations about VDBs | GET /v1/vdb | Returns all VDBs |
144 | Operations about VDBs | POST /v1/vdb | Creates a VDB from specific snapshot. |
145 | Operations about VDBs | POST /v1/vdb/{vdbId}/masking/initial | Create datasource and environment for a VDB from specific volume on defined dstAgent. |
146 | Operations about VDBs | GET /v1/vdb/{vdb_id}/info | Returns the DB connection details to specific VDB |
147 | Operations about VDBs | POST /v1/vdb/{vdbId}/masking | Mask a VDB from specific volume on defined dstAgent. |
148 | Operations about VDBs | DELETE /v1/vdb/{vdbId}/masking | Remove previously registered datamodel and endpoint for requested VDB from Masking application |
149 | Operations about VDBs | GET /v1/vdb/masking/configs/compatible/{environmentId} | Get masking compatible configs for a created environment. |
150 | Operations about VDBs | GET /v1/vdb/masking/configs | Get all masking configs. |
151 | Operations about VDBs | GET /v1/vdb/{vdb_id}/masking_info | Returns the masking info details for specific VDB |
152 | Returns application version | GET /general/version | Returns application version information |