Smart Data Type Transformation Engine

The Data Type Transformation Engine converts the data in an input column to a different data type and then copies it to a new output column. For example, you can extract data from the Money type PostgreSql’s column, and, according to the destination Database type, convert the data to Double type (MySql) or Number (Oracle).


Two Step Transformation

Every time we transform the data type twice:

  • from the native data type to generic (For example Oracle.NUMBER will transform to his generic analogue - Jdbc.DOUBLE)

  • from the generic (JDBC) type to the native type of the destination data base. (If the destination DB is PostgresSQL than our Jdbc.DOUBLE will be transformed to Postgres.DOUBLE PRECISION)


Advantages of the Two Step Transformation

  • This concept allows to merge data from different sources and apply the merged data to different destination data bases.

  • These destination databases will have different but the best fitted column data types.

  • The transformation process in this case is more “strong“ (reliable, simple, stable).