From version 4.3 the migration process can run by schedule.
For this it need to define the Schedule task:
Options->Schedule tasks
Press the ADD TASK button
The Configure Schedule Task dialog will appear
Here you can define:
the name for the new scheduled task
how many times to repeat
the time period
We are using the worldwide famous format for the time periods definition - Cron. The explanation and examples you can find on this site.
The new Task will appear on the the Scheduled Tasks screen with additional details:
Period - the defined time-period in human-readable format.
Last run - the time when the scheduled workflow was finished last time.
Next run - the time when the workflow will be started next time.
Repeat - how many times the scheduled task will trigger.
Important Issues:
One Schedule Task can run only one Workflow. If you need to run two different workflows with the same period define two Schedule Tasks.
Only one Workflow can run each time moment. It means if some Schedule Task will trigger before the previous workflow finished then the next workflow will wait in queue and run with delay after the previous workflow will finish.
If few different Schedule Tasks will run the same workflow at the same time then this workflow will be run only once. In this case you will have the same result for less time.