Accelario Data Masking service - Masking process

Accelario Data Masking service - Masking process

This article explains the details of the masking process to effectively mask sensitive data within your database environment according to defined masking rules.


Getting started
After configuring your database environment and assigning masking rules to the data schema, you're ready to begin the masking process using the Accelario Data Masking service.


Masking functionality
The Masking engine initiates by scanning the designated data columns chosen for processing. It retrieves data, applies transformations, and securely stores the modified data in the database according to the established masking rules and converter logic.

The process uses a combination of logical transformations, data dictionaries, and advanced algorithms to ensure effective data masking.


Initiating the masking
To initiate the masking of your database environment, click the "Mask" button. This action prompts the system to execute the data masking process according to the specified parameters.

During the process, users have the flexibility to pause and resume the operation or opt to cancel it entirely if needed.


Masking process parameters


Hint description

Default value


Hint description

Default value


Parallel processes:

This parameter determines the number of concurrent processes run during masking.

Adjusting this can impact the speed of your operation.

High numbers may speed up the operation but require more system resources, while low numbers are less resource-intensive but may extend time.



Fetch size:

Determines the number of rows that will be fetched from the database in a single retrieval operation during the masking process.

Adjusting this value allows for tuning performance based on the nature of your data and your system's resources.
Lower values can reduce memory usage, while higher values can improve throughput by reducing the number of database queries.



Batch size:

Batch Size specifies the number of rows that will be updated in the database as a single batch during the masking process.

Balancing this value allows for optimizing performance - larger batch sizes can result in faster overall processing times by reducing the number of database operations, but may require more system resources.

On the other hand, smaller batch sizes can decerase the load on system resources but may increase total processing time.



Percentage of masking warnings to fail (per table)

This parameter lets you specify a failure threshold, expressed as a percentage of warnings during the masking process.

If the quantity of warnings calculated for each table surpasses this percentage, the entire masking operation will finish with a status of FAILED.

This allows you to maintain quality control and ensures that potential issues do not go unnoticed or unchecked during the masking process.



Sleep after batch (ms):

This field allows you to specify a delay, in milliseconds, after each data update batch during the masking process.

This pause can help manage system load and prevent server overuse, especially when dealing with significant data volumes or resource-constrained environments.

Typically utilized in unique situations, it allows you to balance between system performance and processing speed."



Disable database objects:

This parameter gives you control over how the service interacts with database objects like triggers, indexes, foreign keys, etc., during the Masking process.

  • Smart mode: This default setting turns off only those objects that target columns to be updated during the masking process.

  • Disable all: This setting turns off all objects before the masking process and turnes them on after completion.

  • Do nothing: This rarely used setting is employed when there's no need to turn off any database objects during the masking process.

Smart mode


Use parallel update threads

This option optimizes the database masking process by enabling concurrent updates.

When checked, multiple threads will be utilized to perform the update operations during masking, potentially resulting in a faster overall process.

However, this option should be used carefully as it may put more load on your database server.


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