38. Searching for Sensitive Data
Accelario Data Masking includes an intelligent search engine that leverages advanced search algorithms that contain lookup lists and AI technology.
Once you have set up an environment, you can search the environment for sensitive data that you may want to mask. You can also see results and perform new scans.
The following examples show PostgreSQL but are correct for all the databases.
To manage your sensitive data searches:
On the navigation bar, click Sensitive Search.
To do a new sensitive data search for a SQL database, see https://accelario.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/APD/pages/2804613293/38.+Quick+Start+for+SQL+Databases#Performing-a-Sensitive-Data-Search.
To do a new sensitive data search for a NoSQL database, see 38. Quick Start for NoSQL Databases | Performing a Sensitive Data Search.
In order to use AI, see 38. Use AI to search for sensitive data
After the scan is complete, the scan summary appears.
To see detailed scan results:
Click Details.
In the detailed window you can:
Click on the down arrow to expand details.
Select/clear check boxes to update the search result.
Click Save to File to share the results via file.
Click Hide low probability results to view only the columns that get Probability higher than the sensitive search threshold.
Click Update Masking to update the masking configuration with the new search results and to go to the Masking Editor (see Masking Editor - Editing Masking Rules and Running Masking Operation).