38. Quick Start for NoSQL Databases
The following sections from Quick Start to Privacy dashboard are for MongoDB.
Continue to 38. Managing Data Sources.
Deploying the Data Masking Module
Procedure to deploy the Data Masking Module:
Adding a Data Source
Creating an Environment
Performing a Sensitive Data Search
Manual Editing the Masking Configuration
Data Masking and Progress Monitoring
Adding a Data Source
To add a Data Source:
On the navigation bar, click Data Sources.
Click Add Data Source
Select source data type.
Fill in the data source details.
Enter Advanced Parameters if necessary.
Click Test Connection to verify that the connection to the new data source is valid.
Click Create Environment to automatically create an environment that includes all schemes of this data source.
Click Add.
In all dialog boxes, an asterisk * next to a label on the left is used to identify a mandatory user input.
Creating an Environment
To create an environment:
On the navigation bar, click Environments.
To add a new environment:Click Add Environment.
Fill in the environment details:
a. In Environment name, provide a name.
b. Under Data Sources, select the data source for the new environment.
c. Under Databases, select the data source databases that the environment will use, or click Select All to include all Databases of the selected data source.
3. For specific collections from databases:
a. In Data Sources select a data source.
b. In Databases, click Select Collection.
c. Clear the checkbox for a collection not to be included.
The list shown is the list from the last refresh. To update the list, Click Refresh.
d. Click Submit.
e. Click Add.
Performing a Sensitive Data Search
To perform a new sensitive data search:
On the navigation bar, click Sensitive Search.
Select the required environment for searching for sensitive data.
Click Scan.
In the Search Sensitive Data window, configure the search parameters.
Select the Auto Refresh checkbox to have the system refresh automatically before doing a scan.
Select the Incremental checkbox to include columns that were found in a scan done before to be in the search results for this scan.
In order to use AI, see 38. Use AI to search for sensitive data
Click Search.
In all dialog boxes, an asterisk * next to a label on the left is used to identify a mandatory user input.
Columns that are not sensitive at this time are marked as deleted.
To stop the search:
Click Stop.
View results
After the scan is complete, the scan summary appears.
Manual Editing the Masking Configuration
To manually edit the masking configuration:
On the navigation bar, click Masking Editor.
Select the required environment.
To filter the list of collections:
Select active or inactive.
a. View all collections
b. Active collections
c. Inactive collections
You can also search for specific collections.
3. Select the required table for which you want to assign a masking rule.
4. The main panel displays the masking rules currently applied to the keys in the table selected.
View results
After the scan is complete, the scan summary appears.
To select another/new masking rule:
For the required column, click on the “Folder”.
2. Click the required masking rule and click Select.
Data Masking and Progress Monitoring
To mask the selected collection:
Click Mask.
Fill in the masking details and click Mask.
Enter Advanced Parameters if necessary.
Once masking is running, the Progress Monitor appears.
To see the progress in other environments click and click the required environment.