Network Considerations

Network Considerations

Network Considerations

As the network is what will ultimately contribute to a bulk of the performance. It is critical that appropriate network capacity and consideration be given to the latency and bandwidth of the network between the various components.

Best Practice Recommendation: Place Source, Target and Accelario Server in the same subnet.

For more information, see Virtualization platform Server Sizing.

Network prerequisites - Oracle


From source host to Accelario server - 111, 2049 (required for nfs access), 3260 (required for iSCSI)

From target host to Accelario server - 111, 2049 (required for nfs access), 3260 (required for iSCSI)

From Accelario server to source host - 8080 (for Accelario agent), 1521 (for oracle port)

From Accelario server to target host - 8080 (for Accelario agent), 1521 (for oracle port)

From admin workstation to source host - 22 (for ssh), 1521 (for oracle port)

From admin workstation to target host - 22 (for ssh), 1521 (for oracle port)

From admin workstation to Accelario server - 22 (for ssh), 8080 (for web UI)

Network prerequisites - SQL Server

From source host to Accelario server - 111, 2049 (required for nfs access), 3260 (required for iSCSI)

From source host to the backup folder - 445 (SMB access)

From target host to Accelario server - 111, 2049 (required for nfs access), 3260 (required for iSCSI)

From Accelario server to source host - 8080 (for Accelario agent)

From Accelario server to target host - 8080 (for Accelario agent)

From admin workstation to source host - 3389 (for rdp), 1433(for SQL Server port)

From admin workstation to target host - 3389 (for rdp), 1433(for SQL Server port)

From admin workstation to Accelario server - 3389 (for rdp), 8080 (for web UI)

On some rare cases we need to disable Ubuntu firewall to get access to NFS folder

No need for connection to the real source database.

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