VDB recovery takes very long time

VDB recovery takes very long time


When VDB gets to recovery phase, which is Step# 5 in the logs of VDB you may sometimes observe that the step takes very long time even though there is not much archived logs needed for recovery.


e.g. In the example below you can see that 3 archived logs were required for recovery

But the step took 1 hour 22 minutes to complete.

Also take a look at time which took to restore the archived logs, on average 20 sec each, so the IO was not a problem.

[2023-04-26 06:15:10.182] [INFO] Script executed in 1 hour 22 minutes 31 seconds [2023-04-26 06:15:10.208] [INFO] =========== #5 Rman recover database completed. Execution output: ..... ..... starting media recovery channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archived log restore to default destination channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring archived log archived log thread=1 sequence=42040 channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /main_pool/8060652855/DB/rg1qdf6k_1_1 channel ORA_DISK_2: starting archived log restore to default destination channel ORA_DISK_2: restoring archived log archived log thread=1 sequence=42041 channel ORA_DISK_2: reading from backup piece /main_pool/8060652855/DB/rh1qdf6k_1_1 channel ORA_DISK_3: starting archived log restore to default destination channel ORA_DISK_3: restoring archived log archived log thread=1 sequence=42042 channel ORA_DISK_3: reading from backup piece /main_pool/8060652855/DB/ri1qdf6k_1_1 channel ORA_DISK_3: piece handle=/main_pool/8060652855/DB/ri1qdf6k_1_1 tag=GI_INC_BACKUP channel ORA_DISK_3: restored backup piece 1 channel ORA_DISK_3: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:16 channel ORA_DISK_2: piece handle=/main_pool/8060652855/DB/rh1qdf6k_1_1 tag=GI_INC_BACKUP channel ORA_DISK_2: restored backup piece 1 channel ORA_DISK_2: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:27 channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/main_pool/8060652855/DB/rg1qdf6k_1_1 tag=GI_INC_BACKUP channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1 channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:37 archived log file name=/main_pool/8060652855/FRA/FAKKA/archivelog/2023_04_26/o1_mf_1_42040_l4l4fzrz_.arc thread=1 sequence=42040 channel default: deleting archived log(s) archived log file name=/main_pool/8060652855/FRA/FAKKA/archivelog/2023_04_26/o1_mf_1_42040_l4l4fzrz_.arc RECID=3 STAMP=1135141099 archived log file name=/main_pool/8060652855/FRA/FAKKA/archivelog/2023_04_26/o1_mf_1_42041_l4l4g01o_.arc thread=1 sequence=42041 channel default: deleting archived log(s) archived log file name=/main_pool/8060652855/FRA/FAKKA/archivelog/2023_04_26/o1_mf_1_42041_l4l4g01o_.arc RECID=2 STAMP=1135141094 archived log file name=/main_pool/8060652855/FRA/FAKKA/archivelog/2023_04_26/o1_mf_1_42042_l4l4g0gm_.arc thread=1 sequence=42042 channel default: deleting archived log(s) archived log file name=/main_pool/8060652855/FRA/FAKKA/archivelog/2023_04_26/o1_mf_1_42042_l4l4g0gm_.arc RECID=1 STAMP=1135141081 unable to find archived log


If you run query on V$SESSION while VDB is recovering you may see the major wait event “recovery read”,

SID|SERIAL| SQLEXEC|SQL_ID |EVENT |USERN |OSUSER |FGRDPID |BGRDPID |MACHINE |COMMAND |LOGTIME | SECS| block ------|------|---------|-------------|----------------------|------------|----------|--------|--------|--------------------|--------|---------------|-----|------ 481| 1574| | |parallel recovery chan|SYS |oracle |19303 |19303 |p-odaqadb01 |alter da|20230502 09:12:| 2129| 505| 51609| | |recovery read |SYS |oracle |19809 |19809 |p-odaqadb01 |alter da|20230502 09:12:| 2127| 1| 6289| | |recovery read |SYS |oracle |19815 |19815 |p-odaqadb01 |alter da|20230502 09:12:| 2127| 489| 36904| | |recovery read |SYS |oracle |19789 |19789 |p-odaqadb01 |alter da|20230502 09:12:| 2127| 497| 46846| | |recovery read |SYS |oracle |19793 |19793 |p-odaqadb01 |alter da|20230502 09:12:| 2127| 449| 4354| 16777216|3j508yd77gq49|class slave wait |SYS |oracle |94313 |94373 |p-odaqadb01 |alter da|20230502 09:09:| 726| 329| 9554| 16777216|d53229v8xq0kp|SQL*Net message to cli|SYS |oracle |17790 |17796 |p-odaqadb01 |select |20230502 09:47:| 0|


If you see this wait event for recovery sessions you need to turn off db_lost_write_protect

The wait 'Recovery Read' is on I/O and we can't tune this from the Database side other than set db_lost_write_protect=NONE


Ref doc# Data Guard Apply Lag on Top wait event "Recovery Read" for and Earlier Workaround (Doc ID 2910785.1)

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