How to enable Direct NFS for specific VDB

How to enable Direct NFS for specific VDB


On the target server, where existing VDB is running

The VDB should already be running, so the mount exists

Enabling Direct NFS Client Control of NFS

  1. Shutdown the VDB

  2. Make sure all Oracle instances that run on this Oracle home are shut down


  4. Change the directory to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib.

  5. Run the following command:

    make -f ins_rdbms.mk dnfs_on


Prepare oranfstab file on Target VDB server.

It can be placed in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/oranfstab or under /etc/oranfstab

If placed under “/etc/oranfstab” then the files will be global for every ORACLE_HOME installed on the server

If placed in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs it will be applicable only to this ORACLE_HOME

server: Accelario_App local: path: export: /main_pool/4364692691 mount: /main_pool/00000050

server - NFS server name, in our case Accelario server name

local - IP address of target server (nfs client)

path - IP of Accelario server

export - mount point of VDB running on target server

mount - mount point of VDB on Accelario server, which is shared to target server


Make NFS mount ‘insecure’ on Accelario Server in order to allow direct NFS to function.

On the Accelario App server you need to add line into /etc/exports

The format of the line is as following:

“<mount of VDB on Accelario server> <IP address of target server (nfs client)>(rw,insecure,no_root_squash)”




Re-mount the VDB filesystem mount point

Start the VDB

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