Oracle Sharing Snapshots

Oracle Sharing Snapshots

A user in one role category can share a snapshot with a user in another role category. This section gives the procedure. In the following example a user with a QA role shares a snapshot with a Dev role.

To share a VDB:

  1. Select a snapshot of a Golden Image or a VDB.

2. Click Share on a snapshot object.

3. Select the role to share the snapshot.

4. Click Submit.

After the snapshot is shared, the following message appears: Snapshot has been shared.

The VDB Management window displays the relevant sharing information.

To unshare a snapshot:

  1. Select the snapshot.

  2. Click Unshare.

3. Click Yes to confirm unsharing the snapshot or Cancel to exit with unsharing the snapshot.

After the snapshot is unshared, the following message appears: Snapshot has been un-shared.

To see snapshots that are shared with you:

  1. Click VDBs on shared snapshots.

The number in parentheses indicates the number of shared snapshots.


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