PostgreSQL Initial Setup
To setup the infrastructure in the Data Virtualization Module, do the following procedure:
PostgreSQL Initial Setup | To install the Accelario source agent and target agent:
PostgreSQL Initial Setup | To create a test data environment:
To install the Accelario source agent and target agent:
Accelario agents are deployed on a source server and on a target server. There are two types of agents:
GI (golden image) agent - installed on the source server.
Destination agent - installed on the target server.
When the VDB is used on the same server where the source DB resides, both agents can be installed on the same server. It is necessary to change the ports as described below.
The agents should be run as root.
The agents should be run in the background.
Example for a source agent.
Example for a target agent.
The default port is 8080.
If necessary, the port can be changed. Use the following parameters to java execution: Example for a source agent.
Example for a target agent.
To set the timezone for a java process:
To set the timezone for a java process, use the following code:
-Duser.timezone=<TimeZone> jvm command line option
Example for a source agent.
Example for a target agent.
To add a source host
On the navigation bar, click Source.
The Source Management window appears.
2. Click Add Source Host.
3. Enter the source host details.
In all dialog boxes, an asterisk * next to a label on the left is used to identify a mandatory user input.
4. Enter the Advanced Parameters if necessary.
5. Click Add.
After the source host is added, the following message appears: Source Host has been added.
The Source Management window displays the source host(s) that have been added to the system.
To create a test data environment:
On the navigation bar, click Source.
The Source Management window appears.
2. Click Create Test Data Environment.
3. Select DB type.
4. Enter a Name.
5. Click Next.
To create a test data environment from a LIVE GI:
Enter the test data environment details.
2. Click Next.
3. Enter the Source DB Parameters.
4. Click Test Connection to verify that the connection to the database is valid.
After the test is complete, the following message appears: Test Data Environment connection is valid.
5. Click Done.
After the test data environment is created, the following message appears: Test Data Environment has been created.
The Source Management window displays the test data environment for the source host that has been created.
To add a target host:
On the navigation bar, click Target.
The Target Management window appears.
2. Click Add Target Host.
3. Enter the target host details.
4. Enter the Advanced Parameters if necessary.
5. Click Add.
After the target host is added, the following message appears: Target Host has been added.
The Target Management displays the target host(s) that have been added to the system.
To add a DB Home:
You add a DB Home in the Target work area.
Click Add DB Home.
2. Select a DB type.
3. Enter the DB Home details.
4. Click Add.
After the DB Home is added, the following message appears: DB Home has been added.
The Target Management displays the DB Home(s) that have been added to the system.
Create and start a VDB
To create a VDB:
On the navigation bar, click VDB.
The VDB Management window appears.
To select a GI:
In the VDB Management window, select a Test Data Environment.
2. Select the GI.
Adding a snapshot:
Select the source.
Click Add Snapshot.
3. Enter a Name.
4. Click Add.
After the snapshot is created, the following message appears: Snapshot has been created.
The Snapshots work area displays the new snapshot with all the snapshots that have been created.
It is possible to scroll using the time and date to the right of a search screenshot.
To create a VDB from a snapshot:
Select a snapshot.
Click Create VDB.
3. Enter the VDB parameters.
It is recommended to select the Start Immediately checkbox.
4. Enter the Advanced Parameters, if necessary.
5. Click Create VDB. Otherwise, click Cancel to exit without creating a VDB.
After the VDB is created, the following message appears: The volume has been created.
The VDB Management window displays the VDB that has been created.
The following icons display information about a VDB:
Icon | Description |
VDB Locked | |
VDB Stopped | |
VDB Started | |
VDB Creation Failed |