Upgrade versions from version 26

Upgrade versions from version 26

Download upgrade utility:

It only supports upgrading to versions starting from 27+

Upgrade to the new Release

  1. Navigate to the ROOT directory where release-installer.jar is located:

    • Change to the directory containing the release-installer.jar file.

  2. Ensure your directory tree looks like this:

    any_name_for_root_directory/ ├─ release-installer.jar ├─ virtualization-Release_27_0.zip ├─ current/ └─ archive/ (optional)
  3. Copy the the new release ZIP file into the ROOT directory
    Example : if the new release kit file is virtualization-Release_28_0.zip then the directory will look like this:

    any_name_for_root_directory/ ├─ release-installer.jar ├─ virtualization-Release_27_0.zip ├─ virtualization-Release_28_0.zip ├─ current/ └─ archive/
  4. Run the upgrade process

    • Execute the commands
      sudo chmod +x release-installer.jar
      sudo java -jar release-installer.jar

    • If there are multiple ZIP files under the ROOT directory then you need to define which one exactly you would like to install
      sudo java -jar release-installer.jar virtualization-Release_27_0.zip

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