[Agents] Upgrade versions older or equal to 25

[Agents] Upgrade versions older or equal to 25

Download release installer:


It only supports upgrading to versions starting from 27+.

Upgrade to the new Release

  1. Before install new release stop all running instances manually using command  
    sudo kill -9 $(pgrep -f java)

or if you work under Windows

go to "Services", find already ran agent related service (for example: acc-agent) and kill/stop it.

  1. Determine the location of the acc-agent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar directory:
    Locate the directory where the acc-agent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file is stored and is being executed - this directory will be called APP directory.
    A parent directory of the APP directory will be called ROOT directory

  2. Rename the APP directory to current

  3. Copy the release-installer.jar and the new release ZIP file into the ROOT directory

  4. Ensure your ROOT directory tree looks like this:

    any_name_for_root_directory/ ├─ release-installer.jar ├─ agent_installation_kit.zip ├─ current/ └─ archive/ (optional)
  5. Run the upgrade process

    • Execute the commands
      sudo chmod +x release-installer.jar
      sudo java -jar release-installer.jar

      or for Windows

      java -jar release-installer.jar -Da.usr="{domain}\{user_name}" --pwd="{your_password}" -Da.typ="gi" -Da.svn="acc-agent"

      Full list of Windows params:

      -Da.usr //user name (should be administrator), pay attention to specify the user including domain (e.g.: mydomain\myuser) or as a local user with .\ (e.g.: .\myuser) --pwd //password of the user, enclose in double quotes if it has spaces, add ^^ before any of these letters: ^& ^\ ^< ^> ^^ ^| (e.g.: "aaa ^|bbb") -Da.typ //agent type , allowed values : gi , target -Da.svn //service name (default acc_gi_agent) -Da.jvh //Java home (default .\jre1.8)
    • If there are multiple ZIP files under the ROOT directory then you need to define which one exactly you would like to install
      sudo java -jar release-installer.jar agent_installation_kit.zip

      for Windows

      java -jar release-installer.jar agent_installation_kit.zip -Da.usr="{domain}\{user_name}" --pwd="{your_password}" -Da.typ="gi" -Da.svn="acc-agent"

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