Install/ Upgrade Windows agents

Install/ Upgrade Windows agents

In this section, I’ll put step-by-step instruction how to perform Source and Target agent installation/ upgrade on Windows machine


Source agent installation

  1. Login to Source server

  2. Download the release installer from the Release link or from Virtualization UI: Source-> Add New-> Windows (checkbox)-> download source agent

  1. Unzip the release installer folder, extract Accelario_windows_source_agent_installation_kit folder and move it to new folder (name it acc for example) in C drive

  2. Open the CMD and go to Accelario_windows_source_agent_installation_kit directory

  3. Run service_install.cmd userName password gi command to install the agent

    1. username should include the domain prefix domain\username r for local it should be .\username

    2. If your password consists of special characters, then needs to add an escape (^) character before each of them and put the whole password into double quotes. Additional information can be found in this link: Quotes, Escape Characters, Delimiters - Windows CMD - SS64.com

  4. Go to service list and start the newly installed Source agent service

Target agent installation

  1. Login to Target server

  2. Download the release installer from the Release link or from Virtualization UI: Source-> Add New-> Windows (checkbox)-> download target agent

  1. Unzip the release installer folder, extract Accelario_windows_target_agent_installation_kit folder and move it to new folder (name it acc for example) in C drive

  2. Open the CMD and go to Accelario_windows_target_agent_installation_kit directory

  3. Run service_install.cmd userName password target command to install the agent

    1. username should include the domain prefix domain\username or for local it should be .\username

    2. If your password consists of special characters, then needs to add an escape (^) character before each of them and put the whole password into double quotes. Additional information can be found in this link: Quotes, Escape Characters, Delimiters - Windows CMD - SS64.com

    3. If you’re installing Source and Target agents on the same Windows machine, before installation, need to provide different port number for target agent. For doing this go to Accelario_windows_target_agent_installation_kit folder, edit service_parameters.list file, change port numbers from 8443 to 9443, 8444 to 9444 and save the file. Additionally, while running the command for service install, need to add one more parameter for service name: service_install.cmd userName password target target_agent

  4. Go to service list and start the newly installed Target agent service

Upgrade the agents

For performing the upgrade, firstly we need to remove the existed agent service and after run above-mentioned steps for each agent service. For agent service removal:

  1. Go to service list and get the service name

  2. Stop the service

  3. Open CMD and run SC DELETE shortservicename command

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