Install target agent

Install target agent

  1. On the navigation bar, click Target.

The Target Hosts window appears displaying all the target hosts that have been added to the system.

  1. Click the (+) sign in the bottom of the agents list



  2. Choose Remote deploy (to deploy the agent automatically) or Register agent (to deploy the agent manually)

Remote deploy

  1. This is the default and the recommended option for Linux. The Windows servers are not supported in this option - use the manual approach explained further.



  1. Fill all the fields:

    1. Agent port - pick a port that is available on the server. The default is 8443.

    2. SSH Username - Make sure that the SSH user is either root or has sudo privilege

    3. The authentication can be done using password of SSH key

  2. The process will automatically connect to the target server, perform verifications, deploy the agent and register it in the application.



Register agent

  1. This is the less recommended option. Use it as plan B , when the automatic deploy did not work



  2. Click “download Target agent” to get the agent installation kit

  3. For Linux:

    1. Login as root to the target server

    2. Choose an app directory for the agent, e.g. /apps/accelario/target_agent

    3. Unzip the agent installation kit into the app directory

    4. Change into the app directory and execute
      chmod +x Accelario_linux_target_agent_installation.sh

    5. By default the port is 8443. If you want to use another port - specify it as the first parameter:
      ./Accelario_linux_target_agent_installation.sh 8555

  4. For Windows: explained here

  5. Go back to the application’s dialog box and fill all the fields:

    1. Agent port - pick a port that was selected during the installation, by default 8443

  6. Click “Add” in the end - the agent will be registered

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