Jenkins plugin

Accelario Data Virtualization and Data Anonymization plugin (Accelario Data plugin) is an advanced Jenkins plugin specifically designed by Accelario for efficient database management and the streamlined deployment of virtualized databases. This tool simplifies the complexities associated with managing multiple database environments, enabling developers and database administrators to automate the deployment process and maintain high levels of productivity and data integrity. This plugin streamlines creating, managing, and deploying virtualized database environments, and incorporates data anonymization features, making it an essential tool for developers and database administrators in dynamic development, testing, or production settings.


  • Requires Jenkins version 2.x or newer.

  • Access to a compatible Accelario Data Virtualization server is mandatory.

Manual Installation:

  • Obtain the .hpi file from the Accelario repository.
    Download the latest version from here

  • Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced, and select Deploy Plugin to upload the .hpi file.

  • Click Deploy to finalize the installation.
    Restart Jenkins after the deployment.


  1. Global configuration (should be done 1 time)

    • Proceed to Manage Jenkins > System > Global Properties

    • Add new variable named VIRTUALIZATION_SERVER_ADDRESS with a value of address to running Accelario Virtualization server

    • Save these global settings.

    • Proceed to Manage Jenkins > Credentials

    • Click domain (global), click Add credentials

    • Enter username of Accelario Virtualization (usually admin), enter its password, put any string into ID field, put meaningful description


    • Save the credential

  2. Job-specific configurations (should be done per every job)

    • Create Job
      Choose an existing job

    • Click Configure inside of the job

    • Goto Build Steps > Add build step > Accelario: Create VDB


      • Configure the specific database parameters for the job.

      • Parameters:






Credentials to Accelario Virtualization. These credentials should have been prepared during Global Configuration step above

GI Name

The existing Golden Image (GI) name

Snapshot name

The existing snapshot name

VDB Name

A new unique name for the Virtual Database (VDB) to be created.

Target DB Home name

Specify the existing Target DB Home name